
openGL offscreen software rendering on linux server without x11


Ever tried to render something with openGL on a linux server that has no x11 installed nor has a physical gpu connected? I searched for a long time for a solution that would work almost out of the box and the first solution i could find was actually installing x11, mesa3d and a dummy x-display. Via putty that has x11-forwarding enabled it is possible to run x-applications just fine and even render with openGL thanks to mesa in software mode! But as soon as you close the ssh connection x11 stops and after that x-applications and openGL won't be able to connect to a display! So after every server restart openGL won't work anymore... So why do you need a display or x11 if you want to render offscreen? (more…)

3D QT Engine

Switcher’s updated design part III


Switcher’s development is still in progress. Visually there has not changed much yet, but internally much code has been updated. This project is now also on GitHub: QtEngine_v0_1_empty Here i am starting the engine on the actual target device for the first time. Had a small problem at the beginning Read more…

3D QT Engine

Switcher’s updated design part II


Coding, coding, coding… Some major classes are almost done, which are a pretty good base for higher level classes like buttons, lists, switches and more. Here is a little screenshot of the running window. This is a real screenshot because the engine emulates OpenGL ES 2.0 and everything that shows Read more…