A bit late, but hey…
2013 was a lazy year, but i still accomplished a few tasks.
Nokia’s Symbian OS is dead. So is Switcher. If anybody is interested in the sources, here they are.
QT 3D Engine
I ditched OpenGL ES and it’s emulation on desktop and ported almost everything i had to a desktop OpenGL 4.0 version. When i finish a usable desktop version I’ll go again for mobile one in parallel. Here are a few screens of the desktop version.
- IO usage, loadin models in threads (animated GIF)
- Some asteroids in space
- Usage of CPU/GPU, RAM/VRAM and IO
- Many more asteroids (now instanced)
- replaced the asteroids by “Betty” (GOF model)
- First version of a sound spectrum with FMOD in new engine (~30 min of work, animated GIF)
- improved soundspectrum (amplified by log², animated GIF)
Debugging the code with CodeXL:
After the resource management is finished, or at least reached a useable level and all the useful functions are accessible this project will be marked as release version on Github.