3D QT Engine

More about the Taskman


Ok, after a break from coding i went back to things and finished the task managment. It is now possible to go to tasks and close them without any problems. For killing tasks immediately a special certificate is needed with PowerMgmt capability, otherwise the thread panics and leads to an Read more…

3D QT Engine

Design preview


Ok, basic things are done! Symbian’s tasks can be read but are not displayed yet. The 3D window also works. But this post shows the 3D-window which has nothing realy new… and the non-3D-window design, now with screenshot from device: Switcher design preview. (3D window win7)   If you think Read more…

3D QT Engine

New Project


Working on a little Taskmanager for Symbian S^3 which will use our openGL ES Engine. I had already a project like this planed months ago but it got too time intensive along with university and the old engine based on Python ( you know PyS60 does not run well on Read more…

3D QT Engine

Release !!!


I am tired and i want to release. The manual is almost finished but already included. The graphical part and Imagination Technologie’s Emulator for Windows is included. Check the manual and you are ready to create something. This is opensource but shouldn’t be sold as yours!!! Click on the Engine Read more…

3D QT Engine

Release ?!?


The doc/manual is in work. The graphical part stands, isn’t fully tested yet, but after final tests i will upload it. I hope i won’t find any annoying errors. After first release i will work on some tools like a Level editor, Shader editor and many more … Here is Read more…

3D QT Engine

Pure freedom


The “Shader” class has been completely rewritten and the renderer adjusted to fit the new shader class. It is now possible to write own shaders, own rendering techniques and so on … For this freedom the shader class has to be reimplemented as own shader class with a few own Read more…

3D QT Engine

Performance improved II


Instead of vertex arrays using vertex buffer objects (VBOs) gained a lot of performance. On my Notebook i got more than twice of the speed. On my nokia N8 it also boosted the speed a lot. Notebook performance (triangles/s): ~34560720 without VBOs ~115200720 with VBOs Running on Intel Core i7 Read more…

3D QT Engine

Engine info


Graphical part of the Engine is now close to first release. Physics (Bullet physics engine), Audio, Touch input and so on will follow later.

3D QT Engine

Performance improved I


The performance is now improved. All meshs are sorted by materials to prevent multiple texture and shader switches per frame. In addition to this, same meshs are sorted together to avoid sending vertex arrays to the GPU.