Switcher v1.0 lil bug found…


I found a little bug on some devices (all except my own somehow -.-). Seems like OS has no permission to read C:\ drive where i store settings file and logs which leads to a fatal chain reaction in graph drawing… Gona fix this, try it once again on other Read more…


Old page archived


I thought it might be useful to have old stuff online. If someone is interessted in older projects check out the old page. Some links might be broken. (click on the image)


Switcher soon in closed Beta


Switcher is nearly complete. There are only a few things left to do. If those are done a few guys will test it and then I’ll try to get it into the store (I hope they’ll accept it).


Taskman (Switcher 2D) update III


Like promised here is a little (not yet fully finished) updated version. It contains so far this new features: Mainwindow with cpu usage in % of every task long press menu in Mainwindow slightly bigger buttons colored buttons and attribute values in task Setup window Systeminfo window with drive stats Read more…