
Retrospective I



Well, it's my third semester at university which almost ends and I study media informatics.  During those semesters i wasted some of my time on a few projects which I think deserve to be posted here... (more…)

3D QT Engine

Switcher needs a new UI


Well Switcher’s initial release has a very bad UI design. Here is a little preview animation rendered, that represents the new idea for the UI. It will be done without Qt’s elements and rendered in OpenGL ES 2.0.   Youtube link

3D QT Engine

Month passed no news ?


Due to lack of time I wasn't very productive the passt weeks... University eats almost all my spare time. There is an on going software project this semester + weekly coding exercises in addition to the usual stuff you have to do -.- (more…)

3D QT Engine

Little Model viewer in work


Working on a small piece of software to have a GUI and to preview Models in the engine. Screen: (The model might be familiar to the most of you. It’s betty, the first spaceship of  Gallaxy on Fire 2 and just used to have something pretty on the screen instead Read more…


Switcher and a bug ?


Seems like there is a strange bug in Switcher atm. I have no idea why it is caused. Under suspicion are custom fonts in modded roms. The strange part is … it did worked once on a device with modded fonts. However this is investigated and i hope i can Read more…


Switcher passed QA


Well Switcher passed Ovi (Nokia) Store’s Quality Assurance (QA) today. Lets see how long they need to make it available  : D