Post processing aa (fxaa)
Why post processing antialiasing ? Because of two reasons. A good and fast post processing filter like fxaa or cmaa can achieve almost the same visual output like the usual multisampling counter part (msaa) and costs way less on the GPU because you dont need multiple samples per fragment/pixel! Another restriction is the rendering pipeline you might choose. A deferred renderer uses multiple framebuffers to achieve multiple different effects and using multiple samples on each of those framebuffers might have a really big impact on performance. Additionally it is practically impossible to use mxaa in a deferred renderer, because multisampling the position framebuffer results in wrong values around objects! Let's have a look on the code: (more…)
3D QT Engine
Engine work resumed…
After a few months i finally resumed work on my engine. I fixed the texture issue:
3D QT Engine
Deferred Rendering #2
Added ambient light and a directional light, that is similar to the ambient light. Both are additive and can be used multiple times.
3D QT Engine
Switcher’s updated design part III
Switcher’s development is still in progress. Visually there has not changed much yet, but internally much code has been updated. This project is now also on GitHub: QtEngine_v0_1_empty Here i am starting the engine on the actual target device for the first time. Had a small problem at the beginning Read more…
3D QT Engine
Pure freedom
The “Shader” class has been completely rewritten and the renderer adjusted to fit the new shader class. It is now possible to write own shaders, own rendering techniques and so on … For this freedom the shader class has to be reimplemented as own shader class with a few own Read more…
3D QT Engine
Engine news
I don’t have much time during the next 8 – 9 days but i am working on an improved rendering algorithm. This could speed up the render performance by ~20%. The shader class is also under a lil improvement process. In addition to this, a lighting system is planned. So Read more…