General informations:


3D PyEngine for S60:

This small engine is written in python and uses only standart python modules (no need to install any additional modules). OpenGL is used to display 3D objects. All devices with more than ~30 mb free Ram should not have any problems to run simple graphics (over 5 textures with 512x512 pixel and over a few thousand triangles). For advanced 3D graphics devices wthout hardware acceleration will react with slowness. It works with almost any python version. Tested versions:

Current version v0.04 consists of 2 Libs:


This Engine has a few nice features:

How to install/use it:

Installation is quite simple. Just install python on your device and create a new folder called Lib in e:\Python\ (e:\ means card-slot). Copy both files ( and into e:\Python\Lib\ and you are done.

If you want to use it just import in your script (from e_imp import *) and use it as any other python module. For aditional help just take a look at the tutorials.

All vars/functions/classes explained:

All user relevant vars/functions/classes explained:


Engine files:
A small demoscene:

Plans for the future:
